
Showing posts from March, 2020

How to stop sneezing from allergies?

Anything that irritates the nasal passage will cause sneezing. In medical terms, it is called sternutation. It is generally triggered by unwanted particles such as dust, dander, pollen, etc entering your nose. In some cases, the immune system fails to recognize a harmless substance entering your nose and trigger sneezing as a defense mechanism. It is semiautonomous which means one can control it consciously. This is how sneezing due to allergic reactions can be stopped efficiently. ●        Triggers Healthzex tells you to learn about the common and allergic triggers that cause you to sneeze. It can be spicy food prepared in the kitchen or pollen grains suspended in the air. You need to find out the cause to stop incessant sneezing. ●        Allergic treatment If you are suffering from seasonal allergies , you will need to keep away from dust and pollen. During the spring season, plants produce a lot of pollen....